A massive fire erupted at Mahakumbh's Tent City in Prayagraj on Sunday, sparked by two cylinder explosions in Sector 19. Over 15 tents were reduced to ashes, but authorities confirmed no casualties. CM Yogi Adityanath and senior officials are supervising the situation. Immediate relief and rescue operations are underway to ensure safety at the ongoing Maha Kumbh 2025, which has seen over 77 million devotees.
#MahakumbhFire #Prayagraj #MahaKumbh2025 #TentCityFire #GangaSnan #HolyDip #UPFireIncident #PilgrimsSafe #Devotees #YogiAdityanath #CrisisManagement #ReliefEfforts #CylinderExplosion #MaaGangaBlessings #PrayagrajMela #AkharaSector19 #TriveniSangam #EmergencyResponse #FireSafety #HolyFestival